Monday, December 28, 2009

Post-Christmas Welfare

Thus the stressful holiday has passed. I have climbed out from underneath the Christmas rubble, and I may now dust myself off and resume regular day-to-day activities, such as surfing dating websites for someone named Herman, and eating sticky oatmeal with cinnamon every morning. Such is the life of Christine Marie Beauchamp.

Now, lately I've been having a lot of unprecedented ideas as to what to make of my life in this coming new year. I figure you never really know how long you're going to be around (which is a very fatalistic POV, and perhaps a little grim, but 100% honesty nevertheless.) so I might as well make the most of what time I have. Therefore, I don't want to put anything off unless I absolutely have to. Which means, giving 110%, whether that's with studying, training, partying, or anything else really. And it's bloody-well time too. 

Also, this movie looks absolutely brilliant:

It's one of my most favorite novels ever, so I hope they did McCarthy some justice. I can't wait to see this.

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